Thursday, June 19, 2008

Random Thoughts of Today

I'm pretty tired tonight but a good kind of tired. Work was good again, and I had a couple of things I wanted to share because both meant something to me and because I don't want to forget either of them.

Back when Jonathan was around ten and we were big in Little League he played ball with a little boy whose mother and I became quite close for a while. And if you've ever had a child in sports you know what I mean. Night after night, there you are with these same parents and there's usually some bonding going on. This particular other mother was like me, she never missed a game, she served her time as "Team Mother" and we had a lot in common so we usually sat together and for several years , we got to know each other pretty well. Always at the ballfield, never did we meet anywhere else. Well, boys grow up and move out and lose touch and the same thing sort of happened to us. I moved away and came back after ten years but when I came back I'd see her in town and we'd always talk for a moment, ask about each other's kids, all grown up now and that sort of thing. I'm sorry for this long explanation but for you to understand our relationship I have to explain so you'll understand the whole point of this.

Today I was selling a pair of glasses, sitting at the fitting table with a customer in front of me and this lady walks in the store, walks straight to me, leans down and gives me a long hug, never speaking and then kissed me on the cheek. She then gave me a sweet but sad smile, and that was that. No words needed. It did not upset me, it warmed my heart because she knew there were no words needed. My customer looked at us a little strangely but I just went on with my sale as if there had been nothing strange at all. It was quite beautiful. Mother's heart to Mother's heart speaking, a language only a mother would understand.

The other thing is this. I walked outside today at lunch and there was not a cloud in the sky, it was getting a little warm but it was just one of those breathtaking days. As I walked to my car the thought that popped in my head was "Jonathan will never again see a day like this." and just as quickly as I thought it, another thought popped up and said to me, "How in the world do you know this? Wherever he is might be 100 times more beautiful!" And so it might be, I hope it is.


Tammy Brierly said...

What a beautifully written moment! People never know what to say but this mother did.

I was a soccer mom and the women would chit chat through every game. Funny thing was is that they did it with one eye on their child at all times. Knowing exactly when to cheer and wave. Woman are very good at multitasking. lol



Robbin said...

Hi Tammy, Yes women are! LOL. Hope you have a good weekend.