Thursday, June 12, 2008

Silly Girl

Matthew flew out alone when he found out about Jonathan. Because he needed to come quickly (I needed him and he knew it all too well, and he needed me too) and because of the cost it would have taken to bring Amy and Haleigh with him, it just wasn't possible. But Amy felt the need to be with him, and he needed her, and she needed to be with us, and knowing Haleigh would offset a little of the darkness I felt at the time, she found a way to come too. So I had Haleigh here for five days. She is seven but she will also tell you that "Some People think she is 14".....(we don't know who these some people are) and though she has lived in Washington from the time she was almost two, she tells people she lives in Washington but she is from Georgia. And she can speak the "Georgia language", as she calls it with the best of them, sounding a little bit like Paula Deen. It will crack you up. She brought me much sunshine while she was here although she didn't quite understand all the time why Grandma wasn't able to play with her as we usually do.
And she got to meet her cousin Kammy for the first time. Matthew, Amy and Haleigh along with Kammy's parents and brother went to an Amusement park and had a ball. Jonathan would have been smiling on that, he loved both those little girls. Haleigh loved him and I just know Kammie would have too if it had been different, or meant to be.
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amy said...

Can I just say how much I love the fact that you put this silly picture of her on here with a funeral bow in her hair! That's why we love children, isn't it? They remind you to find the beauty in a situation. She sure looks like she is telling somebody all about it!

Robbin said...

If I remember correctly, she was actually singing opera there. She is a sweetie, wish I were there with her now.

GreenishLady said...

I can see that 14-year-old straining to get out there. It's wonderful that you have this little bit of sunshine in your life, and especially right now.

I went and saw what you said on Becca's blog about why you write, and you said it very well indeed! Keep writing!

Robbin said...

Oh yes Imelda, she wants to be 14 very badly.
She's a sweetie pie for sure.
Couldn't stop writing if I tried and you do the same!

Anonymous said...

Hello, Robbin :)

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a touching comment. I'm very glad you found me.

I haven't gone back through all your posts yet - I stopped at the little memorial stamp at the bottom of the page - but it looks like you recently said goodbye (for awhile) to your son.

I have a 22 year old myself and I can only imagine what is going on with you. I just wanted to say that I'm sending you a big hug from California, and if I can help you in any way, please let me know. Your courage and strength simply flow from the pages here, and it's an honor - truly - to meet you. And I hope to know a little more about the precious person who is your son, too.

God bless you!

Robbin said...

Welcome Grace, and it's an honor to meet you and for you to come visit. Your site is so inspirational and I felt from it what a sweet and caring person you are.
And you are right, I am suffering grief badly and using this blog for threapy, I think. Please visit again soon.

Marge said...

I think the only thing that can help (not cure) a broken heart are grandkids. So glad you had the little girls there with you so help with the pain. Hold them close and love them. And know that your blog friends are out there, thinking of you and praying for you. And if we can do anything, please let us know. I think you are doing the best thing by getting your feelings out and dealing with them. And take care of your health!

Blessings to you my friend,

Robbin said...

Thnak you so much Marge, I try not to make it so sad, but sometimes those feelings just come out. Thank you for sharing these feelings with me and all you can do is keep on praying and hugging me. I feel it, I really do.

Linda@VS said...

Your two granddaughters are both precious, and I'm so glad they had the chance to meet each other and spend some time together. You must be very proud of the two sets of parents who rose to the occasion and made that get-together happen.

Robbin said...

Oh Velvet, I was. It was done out of love for the kids and that was something really special to witness.