I've got some catching up to do this morning on responding to my comments on my other posts, I read this last night but when I got home, I was tired, but tired in a good way. I had a really good day yesterday.
MY mom, in her retirement, and not being the kind of person who didn't want to work, if not for just the money, but just for the satisfaction of being out and around people, over sees a KOA Campground and that's where our reunion will be held on Saturday. And so she and my Step father are out there in their travel trailer and also her sister and his husband and numerous cousins of mine. Just sort of Us, yesterday, the family I am closest to.
Like I've said before our family is sponsoring the reunion this year, and so they've come in to to all the preparations ready. The men spend most of the afternoon going after a pig that had been butchered and then preparing it for the smoker where it has filled the air of the campground with wonderful smells all night.
The women, not really able to prepare what we're planning as it is a little early, didn't do much cooking. I made a pasta salad and my mom baked a few cakes, things like that, but mostly we just visited and had a good day. MY cousin's daughter, a 15 year old cutie pie was my constant companion. I enjoyed her company, sometimes teenage girls that age think I'm really cool because, well, I think because I'm just an old hippy at heart, usually very interested in how they see the world and I'm just a "little" different in the way I perceive things. Plus I helped her fix her laptop and of course I can text on the cell phone with the best of them! Oh, well not that fast but she was fun to be with. And she helped me with my pasta salad and we talked and giggled and had lots of fun.
It was after ten before I came back home and I was tired. And I even slept until almost eight this morning, and so that is much better than getting up at 4:30.
This morning I will go back out there and more major cooking will take place. We're having supper cooked tonight not only for us but for others that will be arriving, most of them staying in town at a hotel but if any want to come out and eat with us, we'll get word to them. These are the more distant relatives such as my Mama's Dad's sister's children who have great grandkids by now. The people you know are kin to you but that you don't really know that well.
So, there you go. My teenage sidekick will ditch me in a heartbeat today as she has cousins coming in that are her age. And that's ok, I have my own aged cousins coming in too and I'll enjoy visiting with them.
And then tomorrow is the big Shindig!
So, that's what is going on with me.
Steph and Chris, my best friend and her husband often go out to the KOA to swim in the afternoons and they did yesterday so Steph and I got a little visit in. And I got to see little Robbin whom I've not seen in a while. I got a picture of them in the pool.
I'll get more pictures today. Here's my mom, too.
In one of the rare sightings of her being still.
And so that's about all I have to report for now. I'm moving slow this morning and probably won't get back out there until late morning.
Hoping you all have a nice weekend.
Have a wonderul weekend, and enjoy all the goings -on! It must be great to have a big family reunion. We have such a tiny clan, but I'm grateful for them.
It is a big clan for sure. The generation of my mother is trying to keep it going but I'm afraid my generation may not hold to it, but who knows we'll see. Family is important for sure. You too have a good weekend.
Glad you had such a wonderful day. I hope today is as full and pleasant. I often have that same "accord" with teenagers. Sometimes I think that means I'm just immature! *grin* Hope you have fun.
You too! I envy all the fun you'll be having.
PS Beware the pasta salad.
LOL, Hey Meg, I saw your Pasta Salad fiasco, made me laugh so hard. See you again soon!
Aisling, I had the same thought, maybe I a little immature and they pick up on, but I prefer to think you and I are Free Spirits that allow them to feel comfortable with us. So there!
Love ya bunches!
I really conect with young people too and I think it's because we care what they think. I don't treat them like kids but mini adults.
Pace yourself and have fun, fun, fun!
robbin, have a wonderful weekend eating all that CAKE and pasta salad....the pig...well, not so much :)
I'll be here drinking my kefir...;)
Hey Tammy, that's probably it, if you listen you can learn a lot from them!
I'm home now and tired, tired, tired.
Tomorrow's the Big day when the rest of the family comes for the mid-day meal, after that it will be over.
Linda, I had to look up what that is, kefir. Doesn't sound very good.
I've really ate too much for supper tonight, and I shouldn't have, makes me feel bad!
I'll post all about if, love ya!
Robbin, Yeah, I can't believe that I did that. I wasn't going to post it for a couple of reasons but after I watched it a few times, I got the humor so I stuck it there hoping to make people smile...glad it got you!
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