Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Back to Myself

So sorry I've been absent from the blogging world for awhile. The good news is I worked my way out of the darkness of depression and to test my body out I ventured to the grocery store early Sunday morning and shopped and brought my groceries in and put them away and was not at all worn out. That made me happy. Very happy. It is hard to judge just how strong I am here at home but that outing which was so different from a few months back when I last tried was great and gave me even more energy.
And so maybe the chemo is not going to leave me with any lasting effects which I've feared for sometime now.
This week I get the scan on Thursday but I won't see the Dr until next Tuesday. So I have that to look for.
I have to go out this morning for blood work since I'm still on the blood thinner. I have to stay on that for three months, well, actually only two more months now. And I'm looking forward to returning to work on the 24th of this month.
But thank goodness the depression left me and I once again feel hope for whatever happens.
It is cold here in the mornings and I can't seem to stay warm. But it warms up nicely during the day.
I got a jewelry catalog yesterday and there was a necklace in it that had a quote I liked and think it will be my new mantra, it said, "Don't worry about tomorrow because God is already there." I liked that. It works for me at the moment.
Hope you are all well, I have some catching up to do reading every one's blog. Thanks to all of you who've left me comments last week and this week.


Marge said...

You sound so positive this morning! I like that. I hope you have a good day, and a good week, and that the chemo demons are gone for good. Do take it a little easy for awhile, and take care of yourself. We've missed you!

Love, Marge

Robbin said...

Hi Marge, its been like a roller coaster but hopefully it will get better and better from here. Thanks for stopping by.

Memaw's memories said...

I'm glad to hear you are stronger. It's hard to imagine that all those treatments are behind you now. Onward and upward from here.

Robbin said...

That's right Shirley!