Yesterday the oddest thing happened. My step father called me and said he'd gotten a phone call from someone that was looking for me. When he told me this person's name I didn't recognize it at first. He said he used to live across the street from me. And so he did, when I was 12 and he moved away when I was 14. I was in fact so in love with him. Well as in love as a little girl that age can be. My stepfather told him he'd give me his number and I could call him if I wanted to. I have no idea how he tracked me down through my stepfather as my mother at the time I knew him was married to my father and we lived in another town.
I was too chicken to call him. He is in Utah now. I know this because I looked up his number in the reverse phone number website. Very strange.
If I get up the courage I may just call him to find out how he found me. He'd be probably 54 or 55 by now, he was older than me by a couple of years. WOW. I often wonder if the people who have come and gone out of my life ever think of me as I think of them and maybe some do, huh? I have wondered a few times whatever happened to him. You just never know.
Call him up girlfriend. Utah isn't that far away from Washington. You can stop by and visit on the way to your son's.
Just never know when the old love bug might just jump up and bite.
Truth is, I'd be afraid too.
Robbin! I was reading your post when I got the call from the surgeons office. All Clear! Benign! Thank you Jesus! Your the first of my blogger friends to know.
Is this a sign that maybe you should make that call??? LOL!
Just sayin...
Blessings friend
Because of my DH's unusual last name we get phone calls every now and then from people doing a family tree. It has been a fun thing.
You only need to call if you really want to. No pressure!
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