Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Lazy Bones Am I

I'm off today and I slept in until nine o'clock. It has been a long time since I did that. I did have a hard time actually going to sleep so that explains it probably. I have much I'd like to get done today and the weather is nice, so we'll see how that goes.
We're working on getting the U-haul and Matthew's airline ticket and I'm getting really excited.
Nothing much worth talking about going on around here. I had a terrible dream where I was at a big meeting for work and I couldn't find the room where my group was meeting and I started to panic. I ran into a girl who I used to work with but no longer works with our company and she just laughed and laughed at me as I wandered from room to room. I had my phone but when I opened it to call my boss to ask where they were there were no numbers, no keys at all. So I panicked some more. It was a nightmare!!
Anyhow, have a good day.


Debra said...

I'v worked all night and still not yet in bed lol! Can't seem to quit reading blogs...maybe I need blog rehab! LOL! Ok...for real I'm going to bed now. Have a great day! Love Ya!

Tammy Brierly said...

Hey lazy bones,
I tried calling but me thinks you're out and about. :) XXOO

Cottage Rose said...

Hello Robbin; I hear what you are saying, I have had a lazy day today too, we are having high winds and lots of rain. So it made my day so laid back, very laid Now that was a bad dream, I used to have them about school not sure why, I have been out for yearssssssssss...

now have a good dream tonight...

Robbin said...

Hey Debra, I hope you finally got some sleep. I do that sometimes, get started reading those blogs!

Robbin said...

Hey Tammy, so sorry I missed you, and so glad you are feeling so well. And that you had a handsome Dr. That always helps.

Robbin said...

Hi Alaura, thanks for coming by. I hate those dreams like that, it was just going on and on and I was getting more and more upset. Hope you have better weather soon.

GreenishLady said...

Robbin, I suppose it's not surprising to be having dreams of not feeling prepared or properly-equipped when you're facing into a big move. I really admire you for deciding to go with your heart and go. All will be well, I'm sure.

I just noticed that there's only one of the books on your shelf that I haven't read - the Glass Castle. Guess I'll have to look out for it! We seem to have very similar tastes.

Robbin said...

Oh hi Imelda, yes, do read the Glass House, it was hard to read at times because of the situation but very interesting. I can believe we have the same taste in books as I always relate to what you write and feel.
Good to see you!

Linda S. Socha said...

Hello again Robbin. Congratulations on a move. Your blog is looking great and I love the new post......I noticed you have been or are reading eat pray love. I saw a great video last night by the author that I woulde like to send by email if that is ok with you.Drop by Psyche Connections when you are in the neighborhood!!