Sunday, February 22, 2009

Virus Interruption

The craziest thing happened to me about midday yesterday. I was feeling fine up until then, working away and I started feeling sick to my stomach. It didn't get to me until later last night. I was up every few hours being sick. Oh how I hate that. This morning I slept off and on until midday and then it was over. Who knows! I don't think it was anything I ate, I really only ate cereal so I guess it was a silly virus. No fever thank goodness. So I'm ok now and although I got some packing done, not nearly as much as I hoped for. But I'm off again Wednesday and Friday, so onward I'll go then.
I wish I had a week off, I should have given my notice a week earlier at work than I did but at the time I was still thinking I was going to transfer and I didn't know how much time they'd allow me. Now I'm thinking of just letting my job go because there is not anything really close enough to work. Sometimes I think it's crazy to do that in an economy where people need jobs but taking the summer off and getting settled and spending time with my granddaughter is too tempting. Plus retail is getting too much for me lately and so after 15 years of working in Optical Retail, I think I shall give it a rest. We'll see what happens from there.
Anyway, hope your weekend was a good one.

1 comment:

Debra said...

I had that same virus several days ago...glad you are feeling some better!