Monday, December 03, 2007

Three Phone Calls

One I'm ignoring, hoping he'll go away and I'm mad because how can he possibly think anyone wants to hear anything he has to say after all this time! He thinks its ok to turn up every ten years or so but he doesn't know what havoc he plays with two lives. He's too self centered to know that and though for years I've tried to understand it, I am mad now and if you think a mother stops protecting her kids when they are grown you are wrong! It's too late!

The second one coming from my oldest son who once again needs help in the money kind of way. I help as much as I can and the money isn't what bothers me but the hope that this time he will be able to make it on his own is dampened. But its ok.

The third one I wanted and one that makes me smile and the voice on the other end always calms me and makes me know somebody cares for the right reasons. Just because I am me.

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