Sunday, January 20, 2008

How to eat a Kumquat

These are kumquats or cumquats, both spellings are correct.

This is how they compare in size to a fairly large navel orange.

This how they look inside.

Now the really cool thing is how you eat them. You pop one in your mouth and eat rind and all. The inside would probably not taste too good without the contrast of the peel. It is sour, the peel or rind is sweet. The rind is tender and easy to chew. There are usually two or three big seeds that you very lady like (if you're a lady) spit out. And your tastebuds crave another one right away. You can't eat just one!


Chellie said...

I had a slight email issue. I'm back up. Find me here!

Robbin said...

Ok, I'll change you on my blogroll.
Thanks for letting me know.

Meg Kelso said...

I love kumquats! I had a tree when I lived in California. I was young so I enjoyed the sour taste. MMmmmhh, I miss them fresh off the tree!


Anonymous said...

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