Monday, January 14, 2008


Today is her birthday! She is the wife of my son, the mother of my granddaughter and someone I love dearly. She and I share a lot of the same interests, a lot of the same thoughts, (which is really scary for one of us). In the almost ten years that I've known her, she has grown into her own and is a caring, thinking, very conscious person of all things in her world and the world around her. I consider her my friend, a confidant, and she couldn't feel more like a daughter if I'd given birth to her. I hope her day is just perfect and she feels every bit as special as she really is! It is my joy to have her in our lives.
"Happy Birthday, Amy!"


amy said...

Well, thank you. YOU made my day very special. :-)

Robbin said...

I'm so glad. Hope you had a great day welcoming your last year of the twenties. The best is yet to come!