Friday, July 28, 2006

What do I want?

Umm, that is the question here. A few years back, seven to be exact, when I moved back here, I thought this is what I wanted but now I'm restless, needing a change.
And I've noticed before that every seven years it seems change comes into my life, not always initiated, most of the time because I'm forced. So is that the reason I feel like I need a change? If indeed my life is in cycles of seven years what does that mean? At this point I feel like I'd like to pick up my life and throw it up in the air and see where the pieces fall and go from there. That's risky though because the things I'm happy with now would be scattered too and what if I couldn't recover them?
I guess I'm restless, anticipating change and maybe wanting to make a change before it comes on its own. Who knows! But the question is , Am I brave enough to make changes. And if so, what part do I want to change?
Thoughts to be pondered for today.
Off to work.

1 comment:

TypeWriterMom said...

Hey Robbin :-)

Looks like you are going thru that point in the circle of life where you feel lke you've done - well - one more circle!! Hope you manage to figure out your way really soon and get back to blogging and making beautiful jewellery soon :-)