Saturday, July 15, 2006

Very Quite and Very Hot

It's been very quite this week within the blog world, or at least the ones I frequent. And I can't complain as I've been very quite on mine as well but it is so darned hot!! When it gets to the point where the days are around 100 degrees and the nights hardly cool off below 90, it drains your mind. I had two completely unproductive days off, I slept a lot and made a little jewelry and watched three movies and that was about it, but I need to rest so I'm ready to face a day at work.
The rest of the summer looks bleak as I have no plans and no vacation time until the fall and work and home.
One interesting thing is that my mother on her vacation bought a book at a flea market called The Ladies From Covingon send their Love. It was written by an author called Joan Medlicott. It tickled my mom because it was about three older ladies, about her age, that left Pennsylvania and moved to North Carolina. That happened to be the same journey they were taking on their vacation (my mother and stepfather) so it grabbed her attention on a few different levels. When she got home she told me about it and told me there was a sequel which we'd have to find. I got on Amazon and ordered her not one, but six more of the Ladies' adventures. My mother has fallen in love with these books and so I found Mrs. Medlicott's e-mail and emailed her. She wrote me right back, a nice email too and I forwared the e-mails, I actually got three of them, to my Mom so that made her happy. It was nice, I've written authors before and gotten no response.
And so.......for now that's all I know.
Off to work now.


TypeWriterMom said...

Why are you quiet now ? :-)
Would love to see some pics of the jewellery you made.

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.