Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Lazy Rainy Day

I'm all done with the CT scan and it is a dreary, cloudy, misting day. Perfect day to curl up with a book. At last I'm able to read, I couldn't for the longest. And it so happens I'm into a really good one too. I'm mostly a sucker for Oprah's picks and although I don't buy all of them, she was so excited about this one I just figured I had to have it. So far it is very good, has me captured. It is also the author's first book and it is my experience that the first book an author writes it usually the best. Not always, but most of the time.
So, I am going to lose myself today in this lovely book and take it easy. I'm not feeling as good as I have, nothing big, just tired and my legs ache. Hope you all have a good day.


Marge said...

I am also wanting to read this book, but I decided before I get totally lost in it, I need to finish the pile I have already! Let me know if it stays good....I just won't spend my time on a book that I don't like, just to say I read it!

Hope you have a good weekend. We're leaving for Wisconsin in the morning. Hubby is going hunting with his brother.

Michele said...

thinking of you, my dear..I have also just started actively reading again after a hiatus. it's hard to focus on the written word when so much is swirling around in the mind!

Debra said...

Looks like a good book, maybe you can give a little review when your through reading it. I would love to hear about it!


Debra said... your new format!

L'Adelaide said...

after reading your updates from the past couple of days, I thought I would comment on here....It is so nice to hear you are doing so tone of voice sounds so much more uplifted!!! I am sorry you have to have a CT scan with that abysmal drink but at least, like you say, it isn't chemo!


Robbin said...

Marge, I'm the same way. If a book doesn't grab me, I don't finish it. I'll let you know when I finish this one what I think.

Robbin said...

I know it Rapunzel, I love to read and I go through spells, but for the last few months, forget it! So I am glad to be able to get lost in a book again.

Robbin said...

Me Maw, I will review it when I'm done. It is definitely different. And thanks for my lay out, I needed fall but I'd not been able to get a picture until this week.

Robbin said...

Hi Linda, I have meaning to email you back and thank you for letting me know you are there if I need to talk. I am do seem to be coming back to life a little for sure, and for that I am grateful. This has been a hard journey,one I'm not done with yet, but certainly hope I'm on the other side of it, the good side. Love ya bunches!