Thursday, March 15, 2007


Working in Retail can be exhausting. I know I've said this before but it is true and today was a perfect example. Nobody can wait their turn, can't wait a week for their glasses, can't see out of their glasses, wants money back, YOU DO TAKE MY INSURANCE! and on and on and on. You come home and feel like you've been literally beat up. Just part of the job and things get better and people bring in brownies to thank you for being so nice and they come in and tell you how they love their glasses and all is well for a while and then BAM! You can do nothing right.
You learn not to take it personally and you learn to smile and be nice no matter how mean they are to you and like I said it is just part of it. But I got to tell you it ain't easy sometimes!
Ok, I'll stop moaning about that. The other news is my younger son, the policeman, bought himself a motorcycle. GREAT! Now I've got another thing to worry about. Thanks Matthew. He'll enjoy it though. I've ridden on the back of a motorcycle in my younger days enough to know the freedom you feel. I'm happy for him.
I have only a little over two weeks to go before I go on Vacation and get to see this motorcycle in person. I am so ready.
So, that's about all that is going on here. I get off a little early tomorrow afternoon and so that's a good thing. But I have to work all weekend, including Sunday. But I'll survive. Two and a half weeks, I'll be in the beautiful Pacific Northwest!!! YAY!

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