Saturday, March 17, 2007


As I get ready to go to Washington to visit my children I keep remembering the last time I went and how magical it was. If you missed my story on the whales read here. One thing I didn't mention was that we visited Chief Seattle's Grave site. I couldn't get really close because there was a woman there meditating and we didn't want to disturb her but it was very cool to get to see where he is actually buried. (Native American History and Heritage is an interest of mine.)
Anyway, the trip last time was so perfect in so many ways, My DIL and I surprised my son as he didn't know I was coming, we saw the whales, I saw Chief Seattle's grave. Just good memories. This trip will be not so exciting but just as good. Any time is good I get to spend time with that granddaughter of mine! Hang on Haleigh, Grandma is coming soon!!!

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