Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Doesn't Anybody like Anyone Anymore?

I seem to be drowning in negativity. It is constantly surrounding me. Everyone around me is constantly complaining about someone else. I'm tired of it. I try to always see the positive in everyone. In the last month or so , all I've heard from anybody is negative things about someone else. Not ONE positive thing can I remember. Not "I really like Jim, he's a good person!" Not "Rose is so good at her job!"
MY GOODNESS! Doesn't anyone I know have anything good to say about anyone???
I am overdosed on NEGATIVITY and I've got to separate myself from it somehow. I think I'll run away!


Anonymous said...

I know that feeling! I feel that way myself a lot lately. I have learned to stay in my own world, say my daily prayer and let God take care of the rest.

amy said...

1. My child is HILARIOUS at just the right moments sometimes, and it makes my day.
2. My husband is very special and very missed, and I'm just glad I have him to miss!
3. I'm THANKFUL that he has a wonderful mother who raised him to be the kind of man he is, and she is genuinely good and nice, and I love her!
4. There is this bagger at my grocery store named George, and he is great. He's also a police explorer, which scares me for him because he is just so nice. He always takes the time to offer help and ask how you are.

THERE! Happy words for you!!! :-)

Catherine Mary said...

Hi Robbin, it's been awhile since I commented but I've been visiting your blog often. I'm glad the party for your mom went well and you had time with your sons. It sounds like you had a lot of support from family and friends and the party was a success. Your post hit home to me, thanks for the reminder to look for the good in others.

Robbin said...

Hi Vicki, all positive from now on~

Robbin said...

Thanks Amy, I needed to hear all that!

Robbin said...

Hey Catherine Mary,
I'm glad to know you are visiting, hope all is well with you.