Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Moving Forward

When this year started and I looked out my window at the leafless trees and the brown grass, I was in such turmoil about exactly what I wanted at this time in my life.

When Spring came and the leaves reappeared and flowers bloomed, my birthday neared bringing with it the fear I faced of turning 50. I still struggled with the fact that I was unhappy with where I was both physically and mentally.

Feeling alone and isolated from pretty much everything and everybody I knew I had to understand myself again and get a true answer. My head and my heart argued and fought and went to bed mad at each other many nights!

The leaves are gone again and green has been replaced with gold and brown outside my window and two things have happened. I know I must first take care of me, physically and mentally. And second, sometimes you have to follow your heart and go where it leads and I've decided to do just that.


Marcie said...

Robbin, I'm glad to hear that you are committed to following your heart. I can't wait to hear more about that.


Robbin said...

Aisling, you will hear much more, I promise. I'm about to change my life in a big way and I'm excited and afraid all at the same time!

Marcie said...

Robbin, I can understand that. Change, even good change, is always a little scary. You're going to do great though, I just know it! :)