Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Peeking my Head out a Bit

Since Friday I've pretty much been in seclusion, rolling with the waves and getting through the effects of this third treatment. With almost all the days filled with rains from Fay, it wasn't so bad. I slept off and on, I ate when I could and made yummy smoothies.

Today I will very caustiously peek out a little. For one thing I have to, the other thing is I am afraid to say I feel pretty good this morning. At this point it really goes from hour to hour so I never am too quick to say "I feel great" because it can change, but it's down hill from here on out until the next treatment.
I feel like I'm in bootcamp where they knock you down to nothing and then build you up to feel strong and ready to face whatever.

Today I have to go for a PET scan, it is the one the Dr. has ordered at the half way point to see if the Chemo is doing what it is suppose to do. I really won't know the results of it until I see the Dr. again on the 9th of Sept.
The test is late this afternoon at five thirty, which gives me a little more time to get ready and by this afternoon I should feel better than I do now, this early in the morning, and I don't feel that bad right now.
The deal is suppose to be that you have a treatment and then on the third day or so you start feeling bad and then after a few days, you start feeling better. In the past that has not really been the way with me, I usually feel worse the whole week after, but this time it might be doing what it normally does to most people. We shall see.
Either way, I'm glad to be done with the last few days. And I've survived! SO that's always a good thing.
And if I can eat today I've got to get it done by noon because of the test, I can't eat anything or drink anything after 12 noon. So, very carefully I'll peek out and go out into the big world today.
And so that's about all I know for now.
I'm hoping a good week for all of you.


Memaw's memories said...

Praying for a good pet scan. I have good feelings about your treatments. I think they are working just right.

Marge said...

I'm here praying that your pet scan goes well and shows that the treatments are working. Been thinking of you every day of my vacation and glad to hear you are dealing with things. Hope you were able to eat something to give you some strength and energy. Let us know how it went.