Well, it's been months since I've posted but I intend to get back to blogging now and hopefully I can.
Back in August my oldest son's life took a turn and he needed help badly and so that's what I've been busy at. His wife left him, he was left with nothing, no place to live and badly in need of treatment for depression. Things are looking up a bit for him now and of course his wife had re-appeared but that's something I can't help and even though they are not back together yet, I've no doubt they will be soon. But they are grown people and all I can do is hope he can get his life together.
A few years back he was dianosed with Bipolar but never got good treatment but for the last few months he is seeing a threapist and getting the medication he needs. His family which consist of me, his brother, and his grandparents came together and helped him get an appartment, (he's not working yet) and just this week I helped him get a car (he has nothing) and so we'll see what happens next.
Mental illness is nothing new to my life. I grew up with a mentally ill father during a time when it was not as well understood or treated as well as it is now. My son is much like he was. When depression sets in it is painful to watch, and when mania sets in, it is impossible to get along with him. The meds thank goodness help that for now.
So, anyway, that's my life for now but things are calming now a bit now. One of the dreams I've put in this cedar chest is for my son to know some happiness in this lifetime. I hope he is on his way to that now.
I'll be back, I promise, even though I have no readers, I'll be back for me!