Sunday, February 25, 2007

Curiosity and the Monkey

Oops, no post yesterday. Well, it was a pretty uneventful day. I worked, business slow, a calm day, an easy day. But this morning I woke up with a cold! I believe in Zicam so I'm starting that and hopefully it will help.(Although I just read an article on Zicam being under attack here.) I've not had a cold in I don't know how long and there's still a chance maybe it's just sinus, but it feels like a cold.
I've taken a real liking and I can't really explain the attraction to "Curious George" and I watched the cartoon movie of it last night. Will Ferrell is the man in the Yellow Hat, Drew Barrymore his love interest. But I adore George. I don't know why. He's cute and well.........curious!
And the weather is stormy today, so I think I will just take it easy and not do too much and hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow. Happy Sunday to you all!

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