Monday, February 18, 2008

Monday Blues

It's Monday morning and it's cloudy and sort of stormy with tornado warnings all around. It is also President's Day and it could be some of those people that have a work holiday come to see us to get glasses today. That would be nice. Busy at work is always a good thing.

I am going through a rough time again with what I've oftened refered to as the "pause" in my life. I know now I need help getting through it and although the nature girl in me wanted to think I could be tough and get through this rite of passage alone without interference from the medical world, it ain't going to happen, so there! I can't really move on with my life or dreams until this is better. More on that later. In the meantime it bothers me that nothing means much to me at the moment and that is so against who I am. But as I've done before I'll ride with the tide and I'll be me again soon.

In the meantime, I hope your Monday is a great day and you find lots of JOY in as many things possible.

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