Wednesday, January 09, 2008

How to Cure a Headache

My day off! I like the sound of that. Only thing is I have to do laundry and such and run a few errands. But I woke up with a killer headache. Not sure why but after taking something for sinus (thinking maybe it is just a sinus headache) I am so drowsy, I'm not able to do much but sit in the recliner and doze in a drug induced dreamy state of mind.

My little dog decides she must go out. No, not later, it has to be NOW, right NOW! "COME on Woman!" she seems to say, "Get up, let me out, I have business to tend to, urgent business! There are squirrels out there to chase, new smells to sniff, I MUST GO OUT RIGHT NOW!"

And so I drag myself out of the chair, she dances with excitement at my feet, and I shuffle to the door and open it. She shoots out like a cannon. I know from experience she will not want to stay out long so there is no use in settling down again comfortably.

I busy myself washing a few dishes, going through some mail, and peek out the window to see if she is waiting patiently to come back in. She is no where to be seen. "Um, I say to myself, she must have caught a very interesting scent."

I eye the chair and want so much to plop back in it. I know as soon as I do, she will be barking those quick little yaps she does to come back in, so I resist the urge and start sorting laundry.

After that chore, I can't believe she is not yet ready to come back in. I open the door and call out her name, she doesn't appear. She never wanders off very far so I am a little concerned.

I slip on my shoes and walk outside to get a wider view of the yard and then I see her. She is just a little ways down the driveway and she has her back to me, sitting comfortably watching something quite contently. She completely ignores me when I say her name. My eyes try to follow what she is looking at so contently but I'm not where I can see straight in front of her. I walk closer and call her name again but it is as if she has suddenly lost her hearing.

A little irritated now, I walk up and turn to get a straight view and and then I see it. Down the driveway, about 100 yards from where she sits is a rabbit, staring right back at her.

It's as if they have each other hypnotized. I stop, charmed myself by this sight but then suddenly the rabbit shoots off in the woods and Sweetie, my little dog jumps up, turns around and runs as fast as she can towards me, past me, and straight to the door of the house, where she looks back at me, a bit impatiently, as if to say, "Hurry up Woman, I'm ready to go in now, come on!"

When we go inside I realize my headache is completely gone. And I no longer wish to just vegetate in my chair. Sweetie, on the other hand is completely exhausted now and jumps in her little basket bed and is snoring away, probably dreaming of magic rabbits or such.

And yes, it is my little dog Sweetie who brings me JOY today and mostly everyday. Without her my life would be very dull sometimes and I may have spent my day off in a recliner with a killer headache. Thanks Sweetie.

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