Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Why does it always have to be right or wrong?

I grew up with a mother that decided long ago that her way was the right way and everyone else's was just wrong! As she's aged this concept has stayed the same only to avoid confrontation I guess she doesn't state it with words to your face. She says it to other people or she tells you of something else but you know she is talking about your situation. And at the ripe old age of 50, which is what I am now, you'd think it wouldn't still bother me. But my child, my eldest, has always been the hot spot with us. And so it begins. And I can't take it. And I'm not going to!
I already know what SHE'D do. I already know how she supports a child when they are down and out and not sure what to do. I've experienced this first hand. But I'm not her and this is not US. This is me and how I help my child out. SO why can't she just let it be?
When does this end? How do I end this? At this point in mine and her lives it is stupid to be at odds with each other. How well I know this. How well I know.
I have to do what feels right to me. When I tried to do this when he was a child I got side tracked by she and her husband and I listened to them instead of my own mother's intuition. I'm not doing it again.

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