Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Tuesday Ramblings

Well, Gustav was bad enough but it could have been a lot worse, so good for that. Now we have Hanna and Ike and even Josephine after that. They seem to be lined up like soldiers, these tropical storms, possibly hurricanes. It's a rough year for them.
Of course I'm very imformed about all of this because the TV is my constant companion these days. So I'm overdosed on politics and weather.
Tomorrow I will try again to have the PET scan. Hopefully it turns out a little better than next week and I actually have it. My mother is a diabetic and has a meter and I can check my blood sugar first so I'll know before hand if that is a problem. I feel pretty sure it has gone back to normal by now. The steroids I've stopped for over a week now.
And so that's about it for my world at the moment.
I've got cabin fever, but if I go out of this cabin I get sick. Go figure.
At any rate, it's my world for now and I'm not complaining.....MUCH!
Have a good day!


Mary said...

I agree - I'm just about saturated with politics and weather.

Maybe if you take a couple of trips via 'iwin' you'll pass some time and feel that you've been away. Thank you for telling me about this site. I've enjoyed playing a couple of the free games when I begin to get bored.

I'm thinking positive thoughts for the PET scan as well as for you having a good day with no nausea.

Robbin said...

Hi Mary,
Thanks for the well wishes, and glad you are enjoying Iwin. It is fun and passes the moments for sure.
Have a good day.

L'Adelaide said...

much luck and blessings of well-being for you PET scan...will you be told right away of the results? I hope so...waiting is so hard.

and another storm? I have never been in a hurricane or a tornado but they look so frightening....wishing everybody in it's path well...hoping everybody gets out of the way, if necessary.

much love, dear robbin!

Cottage Rose said...

Glad you are safe for now hope the others stay away. My prayers are with you dear friend. Hang in there girl, and enjoy your TV, I do. Love HGTV. I could watch it all day, poor hubby. lol


Robbin said...

Hi Linda, no, will not know the results until next week.
That's when I see my Dr.
Hope your day is good. Love you too!

Robbin said...

Hi Alaura, good to see you and thank you bunches.