Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Ocean is a Good Place.... find this. Something about the whole experience does it for me. The sounds, the smells, the sights, the beach touches all my senses. It is a place where I know for sure there is something more powerful than us that controls things. It is where I seek peace within my own soul and usually find it. It is time to plan a trip.


Linda said...

I love the beach, too. That's one of the main reasons I moved to California. There's something about looking out at the water as far as you can see that is very peaceful. It's especially wonderful if you get to see a whale or dolphins at play.

Robbin said...

You might hate to see whales or dolphins with me Linda, I nearly always break out in tears when I Can't explain the feelings I get when I see them.

Marcie said...

Robbin, I don't have the ocean to go to for peace. The few times I've been to the seaside have been magical though, so I understand your seeking the shore.

I understand your feeling about dolphins and whales. I have that too, and also with wolves. And actually with elephants. Have we had this conversation before? lol!

Robbin said...

Hi Aisling, yeah, I think we've mentioned this to each other before. I have the thing with wolves too and fox, but it's my oldest son who is like that with elephants. Funny how we feel certain connections with nature, isn't it?