Wednesday, June 13, 2007

As the Moods Swing

At this time in my life one of the things that I've noticed and can't seem to control is how fast my mood can change. With no warning, I can go from happy and carefree to tears. Big, fat, wet, tears. It is one reason I suppose that years ago women were sent to mental institutions when actually they were just going through this "age". I can understand though why the people around you, or even you yourself could think you're kinda unstable.
All you can do is go with it and have your cry and go from there. But it leaves you a little drained. And afterwards things don't look quite as wonderful as maybe they did an hour before.
At least nobody else has to put up with me, except my little dog and she's pretty understanding. And it's kind of like the weather, if you don't like it, wait an hour and see how you feel then.
Very interesting, this time of my life.

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