Tuesday, August 14, 2007


.....Is it better to have just a little bit of something you love than to not have any at all?

Sort of like, "Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." It's a question I ask myself often, and struggle with.

When you have just a little of something doesn't it make you just want more? But if you get too much of it whenever you want, does it take away the specialness? I wonder!


Linda said...

That is really a hard question to answer. When I think of love; I am glad I experienced it even though it didn't last. That love produced two wonderful children and now a grandchild. Yes, I am glad I experienced a little love because it produced a lot more; just in a different way.

Robbin said...

Very good point and you are right of course. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Catherine Mary said...

This post reminds me how often I ponder why we collect things. Now I know I am happy with my collections and admire other people's collections. But I often wonder (like you) why we aren't satisfied with just one or two items. Let's say I collect statues of elephants. Couldn't I be just as happy with one beautiful elephant statue? Why do I need more? It's a mystery! Where's the satisfaction in having every elephant statue I see? I don't have the answer but I'm trying hard not to have collections of things. I've given some away or sold them in a garage sale and try to resist buying more. I'm coming to the realization that I want to live by the motto, 'less is more.'

Robbin said...

Me too Catherine Mary, I'd like to have that for a motto too. I'm kind of an all or nothing girl, but that is totally wrong! Look at all I've probably missed out by thinking that way!