Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I'd be Happy Dancing if I had the strength!

A really short post to let you know I did great with the new drug, my heart stayed strong, my breathing was great, my blood pressure stayed in a good place and I didn't have rashes or itches or nothing, so they didn't have to stop it and I feel great. Tired, very exhausted and off to bed soon, but just wanted you to know I'm great. Tomorrow I go back for a shot that super builds white blood cells, it has side effects we'll talk about them if I have them. Thanks for all your prayers and good wishes!! So far so good.
Love you all,


Marge said...

Whoohoo! Happy dancing! Good for you. Now the shot tomorrow will give you lots of new white blood cells and you'll be on your way to Washington sooner than you think!

I'm happy for you. Now go to sleep and rest.


L'Adelaide said...

wooohoooo, that's fabulous!!!

sleep tight and take it easy (if you can stand to)

xoxo linda

Robbin said...

THANKS Marge and Linda, I rested good and up way too early!